Missionary Details

David and Alice Kline

Missionary, Central America/Caribbean, Leeward Islands

David and Alice are from New Orleans and entered into missions on the AIM program by going to Zambia and Zimbabwe in 1994. hey taught in the Bible school and evangelized on the weekends. This resulted in ten new churches being started.

The Lord opened the door for them to go to Zimbabwe in 1997 to teach in the Bible school and evangelize. They saw many entire congregations (twenty) baptized and filled with the Holy Ghost.

The Klines moved to Lesotho in 1999. Upon their arrival there were three churches with about 300 people. Now there are six churches, four outreaches and more than 1,500 saints filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus name!

They have begun a national Bible school program and revival is continuing.

In 2018 the Klines changed fields to the Leeward Islands and are excited by the revival God has in store.
